
13 Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Berbagai Acara | Singkat dan Penuh Makna!

Butuh referensi contoh pidato bahasa Inggris? Simak di sini!

Pidato adalah penyampaian pesan yang diberikan kepada para pendengar. Tujuan dari pidato itu sendiri adalah untuk khalayak ramai.

Isi dari pidato merupakan buah pikiran dari sang pembicara. Kemudian, hal tersebut dituangkan dalam bentuk kata-kata.

Pidato biasanya digunakan untuk acara khusus, baik acara formal maupun non formal. Namun demikian, pidato juga seringkali diperlombakan. Pada suatu acara, pidato seringkali dilakukan sebagai pembuka.

Terkadang, sebagian orang menggunakan pidato berbahasa Inggris. Ya, acara tertentu memang seringkali mengkhususkan pidato berbahasa Inggris. Selain tuntutan dari acara, pidato bahasa Inggris pastinya terdengar lebih keren, bukan?

Kamu sedang mencari pidato bahasa Inggris? Daripada bingung, mending intip contohnya di bawah ini, yuk!

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13 Contoh Pidato Singkat Bahasa Inggris

Membuat pidato dalam bahasa Inggris tentunya nggak boleh dilakukan secara asal-asalan. Sebab, ada beberapa unsur yang perlu diperhatikan, seperti greetings (sapaan), opening (pembuka), body (isi), closing (penutup).

Nah, bagi kamu yang sedang mencari contoh pidato bahasa Inggris, intip beberapa referensi berikut ini, ya!

1. Contoh pidato bahasa Inggris untuk sambutan pernikahan


Good morning,

Thank you for joining (name) and me on such a very special day. Today, we are very pleased and honored to have you all with us. There are a few things I want to say here. To Mum and Dad, thank you for your love and unconditional support my whole life. You’ve taught me so much, and given me the freedom to grow into my own person.

To all of our wonderful friends who helped us host, deliver, coordinate, and decorate, thank you so much! Last but not least, I’d like to thank my new wife (name), the day I met you, I knew my life was going to change forever, and today, you’ve made me the happiest man on earth.

Thank you so much, everyone, for joining us as we celebrate our new chapter. We hope you enjoy the rest of your day!

2. Contoh pidato bahasa Inggris tentang pendidikan

Source: International Shia News Agency

Good morning ladies and gentlemen,

On this occasion, I want to deliver a speech about education. As we know, education plays an important role for the progress of a nation.If the education of the people is left behind, then the population will experience difficulties in adapting and facing pressure from the outside world.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the government holds many programs to support the progress of education in Indonesia, one of which is by allocating large amounts of funds, so the dropout rate can be reduced and more students can get the right to education.

Education can not only be obtained at school. Even outside of school we can use technology to access education. Take advantage of an online platform that can be accessed for free to get free knowledge from various parts of the world, so that we can compete with the people out there.

3. Contoh pidato bahasa Inggris perpisahan di kantor

Source: Throughline Group

Good evening mates, thank you for this wonderful farewell dinner. When I look back at the years I have been working in this fantastic firm, all I gain is my experience and beautiful memories.

During my time, I have had your valuable support, and gradually you all have become my family. The hard work that we have put together as a group strengthened our bonds. In my heart, I have immense respect for all you.

Each of you has amazing skills in your department, and I count myself very lucky to have the experience of working with you all. Thanks for all your help. I will miss you all and remember.

4. Contoh pidato bahasa Inggris pembukaan seminar

Source: Harvard University

Good morning ladies and gentlemen,

It gives me immense warmth and great pleasure to grace all of your presence in the interest of the entire committee. It gives me tremendous contentment to be presenting the welcome speech amongst the most esteemed personalities who have won accolades in their respective fields.

Before we begin this seminar, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you who sincerely committed to this event to make it a success. This event would have been impossible without the support of each and everyone present here.

The topic of discussion for today’s seminar is “Strategies to Build a Successful Career. Through this seminar, an individual is given a platform to identify their vulnerable spots, gain understanding, focus on essential aspects, improve their leadership quality, attitude, and confidence, and provide practical communication skills as well as the frequent changes needed in their lifestyles.

Thanks for all of you. Hope you enjoyed this seminar.

5. Contoh pidato bahasa Inggris untuk sambutan acara sekolah

Source: Pexels

Good morning everyone,

We heartily welcome everybody exceptional visitors, instructors, and dear companions and guardians of such incredible and capable youngsters.

In the last, the promising day has come; shut down our long-awaited expectation and indefatigable arrangements for this occasion. With incredible delight and fulfilment, I remain here to give an inviting discourse on our most anticipated yearly day.

The yearly school day is the summit of the school’s academic year. It is a period for festivity and acknowledgement of the understudies just as the school’s accomplishments. Now I wish you all a great morning ahead, enjoy the events.

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6. Contoh pidato bahasa Inggris tentang lingkungan

Source: Pexels

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

Good morning to one and all present here. I am going to present a short speech on Environment. Our environment consists of all living beings as well as their surroundings. A healthy environment is one that is sustainable for a long period of time. It is the source of life for everyone. It directs the life of everyone and determines the proper growth and development.

Human society is playing a vital role in degenerating the natural environment which is affecting badly the lives on this planet. All the human actions in this modern world directly impact our ecosystem. 

In the end, I want to say that we must spread environmental awareness in our society as well as in our daily routine life. It is necessary to save and protect our environment. In my view, it is the responsibility of everyone to do our bit for the environment. Therefore, let us work together towards a greener and more sustainable future.

Thank you.

7. Contoh pidato bahasa Inggris tentang bullying

Source: Pexels

Good morning everyone,

Bullying may seem like a small problem for some people. Most people may not realize that the damage caused by bullying can be so serious.

It can be as serious as “death” in extreme cases. If you think that bullying is not a serious matter to deal with just because it merely hurt “feelings” then I have to tell you that you are completely wrong.

This “merely hurt your feelings” thing can be the beginning of various worse scenarios such as physical assault, suicide, or any other kinds of violent acts carried out in the name of revenge.

During this time, the effect of bullying keeps corrupting the soul of the victim. They may hold it inside as a grudge, or they may also develop trauma which may result in self-withdrawal.

I believe that this is something that we don’t want to happen to our children. That is why we have to act right now to stop it, and I mean all of us with no exception.

8. Contoh pidato bahasa Inggris untuk Hari Kemerdekaan

Source: Tech in Asia

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Good morning and best wishes to us all.

Ladies and gentleman, teacher and all my friends,

Let us praise the presence of Almighty God, the Lord of hosts who have delighted in giving us his grace so that we can all gather in this independence day commemorative event with no one hitch of any kind.

In this atmosphere of Indonesia independence day, I want the spirit of independence awaken Indonesia. We are all the people of Indonesia still remember how great our hero struggles in defending freedom from the hands of the invaders.

We as a nation should be able to appreciate the great service heroes. But more importantly at the moment is filling this independence with positive things.

Let us continue with the spirit of the heroes we it with the spirit of patriotism and nationalism. On the occasion of Independence Day, several events that are organized are done to express and rekindle the spirit of patriotism and brotherhood among Indonesians.

Wasalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

9. Contoh pidato bahasa Inggris tentang Hari Pendidikan Nasional

Source: Pexels

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

Let’s thank a lot to Allah SWT. for his blessing that we can gather here in this good occasion. Let’s also send greeting to great prophet Muhammad SAW.

The topic of my speech is National Education Day. Every 2nd May, we celebrate it, on struggle era, Indonesian citizen could not allow to school. But Indonesian’s youth tried to get education, one of them was Ki Hajar Dewantara. He is an Education hero, because of him, we can be study at school.

That will be all for my speech. I hope it will be useful for us, Thank you for your attention.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

10. Contoh pidato bahasa Inggris untuk sambutan acara penghargaan

Source: Pexels

Good morning and welcome, everyone,

It is my pleasure to welcome the honorable judges, parents, and our dear students. I feel honored to share the achievements of the brilliant students of our school. This ceremony will award the meritorious students, and it also marks the progress and success of our school.

Our school believes in proper education, which plays a crucial role in a student’s bright future. For this belief, our school committee members and teachers provide their best towards the direction of a student’s success.

I express my heartiest gratitude to our principal madam, teachers, and the parents for their support and efforts to develop these young talents. Their efforts towards the students are unforgettable.

Thank you all for coming together to this ceremony, adding more grace to it.

11. Contoh pidato bahasa Inggris untuk Hari Ulang Tahun teman

Source: Pexels

Good evening to one and all,

I would like to express my gratitude to my best friend who has a birthday today. Another year has been added to your life. As you look back on the recent pages of your life, take comfort and pride in your accomplishment. Today, take your whole time to relax and enjoy your day since you deserve it.

Fear is not your age, it is just a number. It can only be as important as you wish it to be. Best Birthday always!

Thank you.

12. Pidato bahasa Inggris tentang salam perpisahan pada senior yang lulus

Source: Pexels

Good morning everyone,

Every year, we hold a farewell party for our senior students a couple of weeks before their graduation. Have you ever asked yourself, why do we hold it before their graduation? Why not later? Well, the answer is actually pretty simple: the essential meaning of the event itself.

I don’t know what will happen tomorrow, nor I know what will happen in the next five or ten years. Some of you might already be somebody of your dream living so far from this place. Some of you might still struggle with your dream, fighting so hard to achieve it.

But I do know one thing: that our prayer will always be with you, that we will always be hoping for the best for you because you are family.

Thank you!

13. Contoh pidato bahasa Inggris tentang Hari Anak Nasional

Source: Pexels

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Ladies and gentleman,

Allow me here as a representative of the child ambassador to say a few words at this national children’s day event. Actually, children have a big role that we cannot take for granted. Children under 10 years of age are the future successors of Indonesia for decades to come, so that if these children do not have good quality at this time, the quality of Indonesia in the future will also decreasing. So, how to maintain the quality of Indonesian children?

Actually we as parents or people who are close to children can guide them slowly and train them to learn discipline. Try to give them a time limit when they use gadgets and watch television, instead of getting them used to reading books because as we know interest in reading in Indonesia is not in a high enough position.

If Indonesian students are diligent in reading, it is not impossible that we can compete in the international arena. So many speeches that I can convey about the importance of education for children.

Wasalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Nah, itulah beberapa contoh pidato bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu jadikan referensi. Semoga artikel ini membantumu yang butuh referensi contoh pidato bahasa Inggris, ya!

Good luck!

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